Fair of possibilities

Get in contact with companies and Associations around Ilmenau

What is it?

You have problems finding a job during or after your studies or want to explore how you can spend your free time in the landscape of campus associations in Ilmenau? Then join the Fair of Possibilities on this day between 4 and 6 pm to get in contact with interesting companies and associations that are searching for (international) students. Afterwards at 6 pm you will get the chance to join a panel discussion that reflects about the challenges of job opportunities for international students in Thuringia.

The panelISTS

Dr. Böhler - state secretary for research, innovation and economic support (TMWWDG)
Prof. Müller - vice president for international relations and transfer TU Ilmenau
Ismael Farooq - former head of department for internationals in StuRa
Rubén Ignacio González Tinoco - ThAFF

The Companies

… and Ilmenauer Mechatronik GmbH, OptoNet e.V., Impact Evolution gGmbH

Digital input event "Career Fair Preparation"

Don’t know how start conversations with companies at the fair? No worries we’ve got you covered. You can join this job fair preparation workshop that will be organized by the ThAFF one day before the event. You’ll be preapred for the fair and get tips on how to start your day at the fair. Registration has to be done via the website of the ThAFF. There you will also find more information about the workshop. The language of the workshop will be English.

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